A $1000 Scholarship Program
Choose Blender has made it a mission to bring to your awareness, the latest and the best blender products available in the market today. We provides you with extensive and honest reviews on the top blenders. For example
To encourage university students with a passion for health and fitness, we have started the Choose Blender Scholarship Program for Graduate and Undergraduate students who are studying about health and fitness as part of their course or are passionate about it and have sufficient knowledge in the field have a chance to win $1000 as part of this scholarship program.
Who can apply?
A University student who has a passion for writing and has an extensive knowledge on health related issues and products is an excellent candidate for the scholarship.
Terms of Participation
All you have to do is write an essay between 500 to 700 words on any using blender or blender recipes.
Your material should be unique and free of any grammatical errors.
Please note that once you have submitted your essay, Choose Blender can use it for marketing and promotion purposes.
How To Send Your Essay
Please send your content along with the below details:
1- First name and surname
2- School/college/university name where you are studying
3- Field of study
5- email address assigned by your institution if applicable.
To submit your essay, You can email your written content to us directly on email:.
Announcement of the winner
The candidate who produces the best essay will be notified via email within 15 days of the closing of application deadline. If you are awarded the scholarship, $1000 check will be sent directly to your university.
Submit your essay by 1st May, 2018. We will notify the winner through email by 15th May, 2018. The scholarship check will be sent to the university by 25th May, 2018.
Please note that no application will be entertained after the deadline.